PRML Chapter 1

Reading time ~10 minutes

Polynomial Curve Fitting

假如我们有 $ y = sin(2 \pi x)$ 上的数据点,想要找到一条曲线拟合所有数据, 假设使用拟合曲线:

` y( x, vec w) = sum_(j=0)^M w_j x^j = w_0 +w_1x+w_2x^2 +…+w_Mx^M `

其中`vec m `即为我们要学的系数,而x则为每个数据点。

待优化的 error function 为 ` E(vec w)= 1/2 sum_(n=1)^N[y(x_n, vec w) - t_n]^2 ` 其中 $t_n$ 为 实际值 target,y为预测值。不难看出$E(\vec w)$ 越小,预测值跟实际值就越接近。

实际上常用的RMS1 可以表示为 ` E_(RMSE) = sqrt ((2E(vec w))/N) `

所以这样RMSE 越小,也就拟合得越好。可是在迭代过程中,实际上M 越大也就会对拟合得越好,可是这样就越容易过拟合。所以我们加入修正项,限制`vec w` 维度变得过大,也防止M 变得过大而过拟合。得到新的 error function

` hat E (vec w) = E(vec w) + lamda/2 ||vec w||^2 `

其中 ` ||vec w||^2 = vec w^T vec w = sum_(i=0)^M w_i^2`

Regularisation Term 中:

  • ` L0= lamda * size(vec w) = lamda M`
  • ` L1 = lamda sum_1^M |w_i| `
  • ` L2 = lamda sum_1^M w_i^2`

如此,我们便能找到合适的$\vec w$ ,最后让我们的拟合曲线在训练集合和测试集合上表现都比较好。

Probability Theory


sum rule `p(X) = sum_Y p(X, Y )`

product rule `p(X,Y) = p(Y | X) p(X) = p(X | Y) p(Y) `


` p(Y |X) = (p(X|Y )p(Y )) / (p(X)) `

假定在不同的盒子B 中挑不同的水果F:

  • p(B) We call this the prior probability because it is the probability available before we observe the identity of the fruit.
  • p(B|F) we shall call the posterior probability because it is the probability obtained after we have observed F .

Probability densities

x 落在(a, b) 区间内的概率为: ` p(x in (a, b)) = int_a^b p(x) dx `

If the probability of a real-valued variable x falling in the interval (x, x + δx) is given by p(x)δx for δx → 0, then p(x) is called the probability density over x.


sum rule: ` p(x) = int p(x, y) dy `

product rule: ` p(x, y) = p(y|x)p(x) `

The probability that x lies in the interval `(− oo,z) ` is given by the cumulative distribution function defined by` P (z) = int_(- oo)^z p(x) dx ` which satisfies P′(x) = p(x). If x is a discrete variable, then p(x) is sometimes called a probability mass function because it can be regarded as a set of ‘probability masses’ concentrated at the allowed values of x.

Expectations and covariances


` bbb E [f] = sum_x p(x)f(x) `

`bbb E [f]= int p(x)f(x)dx. `

conditional expectation ` bbb E_x[f|y] = sum_x p(x|y)f(x) `The variance of f(x) is defined by ` var[f] = bbb E[(f(x)− bbb E[f(x)])^2] = bbb E[f(x)^2] − bbb E[f(x)]^2`

covariance expresses the extent to which x and y vary together

  • 单一变量 `cov[x, y] = bbb E_(x,y) [{x − bbb E[x]} {y − bbb E[y]}] = E_(x,y) [xy] − E[x]E[y] `
  • 向量 `cov[vec x, vec y] = E_(x,y){x − E[x]}{y^T − E[y^T]}= E_(x,y)[xy^T] − E[x]E[y^T].`

Bayesian probablities

since `p(w|D) = (p(D|w)p(w))/(p(D))`

The quantity p(D|w) on the right-hand side of Bayes’ theorem is evaluated for the observed data set D and can be viewed as a function of the parameter vector `vec w`, in which case it is called the likelihood function. It expresses how probable the observed data set is for different settings of the parameter vector `vec w`

A widely used frequentist estimator is maximum likelihood, in which w is set to the value that maximizes the likelihood function p(D|w)

The Gaussian distribution

Normal/Gaussian distribution
` cc N(x|mu, delta^2 ) = 1 / sqrt(2 pi delta^2) e^(-(x-mu)^2 / (2 delta^2))`
μ, called the mean, and σ2, called the variance. β = 1/σ2, is called the precision.


  • `int_(- oo)^(oo) cc N(x| mu, delta^2) dx = 1`
  • `E[x] = int_(- oo)^(oo) cc N(x| mu, delta^2) x dx = mu`
  • `E[x^2] = int_(- oo)^(oo) cc N(x| mu, delta^2) x^2 dx = mu^2 + delta^2`
  • `var[x] = E[x^2] - E[x]^2 = delta ^2`

设对于D 维变量`vec x` 有: ` cc N(x|mu, Sigma ) = 1 / ((2 pi)^(D/2) Sigma^(1/2)) e^(-0.5 * (vec x- vec mu)^T Sigma^-1 (vec x - vec mu))` where the D-dimensional vector μ is called the mean, the D × D matrix Σ is called the covariance, and |Σ| denotes the determinant of Σ.

likelihood function for the Gaussian: ` p(bb x | mu, delta ^2) = prod _(n=1)^N cc N (x_n | mu, delta ^2) `

Information Theory

单个人获得的新的信息可以叫做degree of surprise:比如一个绝对会发生的事情,即使发生了,对你来说没有新的信息;相反如果一个不太可能的事情发生了,那么你当时获取到的信息就更多。

而熵(entropy) 则是传输这个随机变量所需的平均信息的量(bits):

`H[x] = - sum_x p(x) log p(x)`

the average amount of information needed to specify the state of a random variable

Kullback-Leibler divergence:

` KL (p || q) = - int p(x) ln ((q(x))/(p(x))) dx `

mutual information:

\[I[x, y] = H[x] − H[x|y] = H[y] − H[y|x]\]

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  1. Root Mean Square Error 

Original post:


写作的习惯,已经断了许久了。上一篇已经是去年的文章了,也是做的[时间日志分析]({% post_url 2019-02-23-time-log-analysis %}) 。 正好做时间总结,也把写作捡起来吧。# 低效时间分析用 [RescueTime](https://www.rescueti...… Continue reading


Published on February 23, 2019


Published on May 27, 2018