才参加innovation works的笔试,十个选择题,一道编程题. 杯具啊,第一个选择题就卡住咯. 问输出 int func(x) { count=0; while(x!=0){ count+=1; x=x&(x-1); } retu... Continue reading

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.(fr:Je t’aime non seulement pour ce que tu es mais pour ce que je... Continue reading

so drunk here. actually, yesterday is my birthday in solar calendar. coz my business in CH, there’s no such a getting together yesterday. with cake... Continue reading

on ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux :   It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential... Continue reading

(CQ版对白) M:伊一天泪不泪嘛? W:为咋杂? M:伊逗待偶老壳头转诶。 (一句话) 目木所思:西夏美女,手托下巴;人尔相依,死心塌地,言己及彼。子女双全,又住一室。 Continue reading