When I was a child, I thought that happiness was success, and pursuing happiness was attaining success. Now I’ve figured out why I misunderstood th... Continue reading

《不要因为走得太远而忘记为什么出发》這本書要是拿給做傳媒的人看,興許收穫會更多。 陳虻一代能人,衆人敬仰。看現在柴靜都有好些陳虻的影子:“不帶任何先入的去採訪,盡情地傾聽,把事實真相還原出來”。 反觀陳虻半生,不倦地思索,創造出一個個優秀的『東方時空』裏的子節目。衆人對他的敬仰,也是得益於... Continue reading

Yesterday in China, the People’s Daily, also regarded as the Party’s Daily, published an article claiming that communism is superior to capitalism ... Continue reading

It’s hard to convey the exact meaning of the dialects in China, but I will try. China is similar to the former Soviet Union in many ways. Mandarin... Continue reading

With the development of the Internet, young people are more involved in the online communities, which gives them a new environment to communicate w... Continue reading